Get in touch.

This is Alyssa, founder of Alyssium Stitches and your dedicated seamstress, mender and textile magician ~ Thank you for your interest in Alyssium Stitches garment mending and repair services.

This form will help get the process started.

I will follow up with you via email in approximately 3-5 business days with my current availability status and a more detailed request form. Books are currently full for spring and summer 2023 but please reach out anyway so you can be added to the waitlist. I may be able to get to your project sooner.

Check your inbox for messages from I am looking forward to helping you! In the meantime, follow us on Instagram for updates on merchandise, current projects and other announcements.

Note: Your submission form does not a guarantee mending and repair services. I will always consider each project with care to determine if my skills and services are right for YOU. I appreciate your understanding.



Based in West Seattle, WA

Email |

Business Hours

Follow | IG: @Alyssium_Stitches

*Do not contact via DM on social media. Timely response is not guaranteed